Since you’re here, I’m going to assume two things: First, you are a member of Amazon Associates’ affiliate program. Second, you came across the new “Bonus” earnings in your detailed reports and you had no idea what they were.
So you found yourself asking (and searching for) two questions, which ultimately brought you to this post:
- What do these earnings stand for?
- How can you earn them?
The same thing happened to me a couple of days ago. And I was genuinely surprised to find out that, apart from a poorly-answered Quora thread, there was virtually no useful information about these “Bonus” earnings in my Amazon Associates account.
Before I go on, I want to make sure that you and I are thinking about one and the same thing.
Here’s a screenshot of what I’ll be telling you about in this post:

It took some good ol’ detective work to figure out what these “Bonus” earnings were about, but I believe I’ve finally come to a plausible explanation. In this post, I’m going to share it with you.
Whether you agree with me or not, share your thoughts in the comments form below and let’s try to solve this puzzle together.
The “Bonus” earnings in your Amazon Associates detailed reports are for Special Commission Income that you generate from Bonus Events.
This is how describes Bonus Events in its Associates Program Policies:

At the time of publishing this post, there were two bonus-eligible programs.
- Referring an Amazon Prime customer to Amazon Fresh, provided that they haven’t previously purchased from it;
- Referring an Amazon customer to the Amazon Pet Food & Supplies store, provided they haven’t previously purchased from it.
All the up-to-date bonus events are listed in the Appendix for participants in the Associates Program (you have to be logged into your account to view it).