How to Select Multiple Documents in Google Drive

Learn how to select two or more files in Google Drive, step by step and with screenshots.

Published Categorized as Apps & How-to's

So, you want to select multiple documents in a folder in Google Drive, but you’re not sure how?

Well, my friend, you’re in luck. In this tutorial, I will walk you through the process: step by step and with screenshots so you can follow along.

Select Multiple Documents in Google Drive


I have a secret.

The secret? Selecting multiple documents in Google Drive is way easier—and I mean waaay easier—than you probably think.

And I’m going to show you not one, but two methods for how to do it. One is with your mouse or trackpad, and the other with your mouse and keyboard.

Method #1: Using Your Mouse

To select multiple documents in Google Drive, all you need to do is click with your mouse and drag the selection over the documents you want to choose.

The chosen documents will be highlighted in a light blue color.

Take a look at this screenshot:

How to select multiple files in Google Drive

This method comes in handy when you want to pick multiple files that are right next to each other.

Method #2: Using Your Keyboard

Click on the first file in the series of files you want to choose.

On a Mac or MacBook, hold down the Command key, then click on each file you want to add on your selection. Once you’re done adding items to your selection, release the Command key.

On a Windows or Linux PC, hold down the Control key, then click on each file you want to add on your selection. Once again, release the Control key after you’re done.

This method comes in handy when you want to pick multiple files that are not next to each other.

The Takeaways

There are two ways to select multiple files in a Google Drive folder.

To select two or more files that are next to each other, use your mouse. Click next to the first file, then drag your mouse and expand the selection over all files you want to choose.

To select two or more files that are not next to each other, hold down the Command key on macOS or the Control key on Windows, then click on each file. Release the keyboard key only once you’re done adding items to your selection.

By Dim Nikov

Editor of Maker's Aid. Part programmer, part marketer. Making things on the web and helping others do the same since the 2000s. Yes, I had Friendster and Myspace.

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