The other day, I was talking about Grammarly to a fellow blogger when she asked, “It sounds good and all, but can it auto-correct?” Seeing that there wasn’t much information on the topic, I decided to write this post.
So, what’s the long story short? Can Grammarly auto-correct?
Yes, Grammarly’s browser extension and keyword app can auto-correct as you type. However, its desktop apps and Microsoft Office add-ins can’t.
It’s a shame that this isn’t an option on the desktop app, as it’s the only one I tend to use. Though Grammarly can be trusted, I consciously choose to not use its browser extension or mobile app; they make all I type on the Internet visible to their AI assistant.
Still, if that doesn’t bother you all that much, here’s how to turn auto-correct on in your browser and on your phone.
In Your Browser
What do you need to do to turn on auto-correct in Grammarly’s browser extension?
The browser extension is available for Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Safari. To use it, open your browser’s store, look up the Grammarly extension, download and install it, then log into your Grammarly account.
You can enable or disable auto-correct in Grammarly’s browser extension by clicking the green “G” button in the top right corner and toggling “Correct spelling automatically” on or off.
Here’s how this setting looks like:

Check out the details at Grammarly’s support portal.
On Your Phone
This is what you need to do to switch on Grammarly’s auto-correct on your phone.
Grammarly Keyboard is the tool’s mobile app for Android and iOS. As its name suggests, the app replaces your phone’s default keyboard with one that’s powered by Grammarly’s AI-powered writing assistant.
To start using Grammarly Keyboard, look up the app in Google Play or App Store, download and install it, log into your Grammarly account, and follow the step-by-step onboarding tutorial that comes up on first use.
To enable or disable auto-correct on Grammarly Keyboard, open the app, select “Keyboard Settings,” and, depending on what you’d like to achieve, toggle “Auto-Correction” on or off.
It’s a two-step process; here’s how it looks like:

Grammarly provides additional instructions for phones running Android (here) and iOS (here) at its support portal.
With or Without Auto-Correct?
When it comes to auto-correct, there are generally two types of people: those who swear by it and those who can’t stand it. Whether you type with or without it ultimately comes down to your personal preferences.
For example, if you’re the type of person who wants to write emails, memos, and notes on the fly—and you don’t feel like spending a lot of time proofreading them—perhaps you should consider trying auto-correct.
But if you’re like me, and you like to spend time rereading and rewriting your content, having auto-correct on could feel more like a nuisance than an aid. At least that’s how it feels to me.
In any case, there’s no right or wrong answer here. So the best thing to do is try using Grammarly both ways and decide which one works better for you.